
edme solutions environnement complexe


A North American group that wants to buy a stake in a French company.

Operating environment

The group wants to ascertain that its investment is at a fair price. An independent audit of the financial statements is imperative.


We enter into confidential discussion with the CEO and CFO of the target company. We submit a detailed audit that lists the accounting items that can affect the company’s value. The document’s content and style are adapted to suit the relevant business segment and operating environment.

Added value

Thanks to our networks, we are able to hand pick the team members in charge of the mission. These consultants are chosen for their collaborative qualities and transversal knowledge of the client’s operating environment.


The budget is based on the size and complexity of the business, the operating environment, the available documents, and the number of client representatives involved. Fees for past missions of this type range from €3,200 to €9,280 (excl. tax).